The Power of Stories

The Power of Stories

It’s 2:10 pm and I’m out for a walk in the woods.  I haven’t had lunch yet.  In fact, I haven’t eaten since yesterday. Then, just when I thought I would go hungry again, I spy a bush with some delicious-looking berries hanging off the branches....
Just Do It

Just Do It

It’s 0500 on a rainy Winter Monday morning in 1998 and I’m sitting in my car in the clinic parking lot at the Naval Shipyard in Bremerton, WA.  I’m waiting to board the van that will be driving me, the Commanding Officer Captain Jon Berude, Command Master Chief Kathy...
The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man

In 2014, when I turned 50, I was given a superpower. I didn’t realize what it was at the time, but soon it became very clear. Suddenly, it seemed, I became invisible.  Truly.  Where before when I would walk through crowds, people would make eye contact.  When I...
Learning to Let Go

Learning to Let Go

It’s 2:00pm on a sweltering afternoon in Columbus, Ohio and I feel nothing.  And that bothers me. I’m winding down the process of getting our son checked in as a freshman at The Ohio State University.  It’s an absolute circus.  There are multiple lines to stand in,...
You Might Just Have a Good Time

You Might Just Have a Good Time

In February 1992, I was “voluntold” to do a presentation at a local elementary school for Children’s Dental Health Month. At the time, I was on active duty, stationed at Naval Hospital Long Beach.  I was on the comeback trail, trying to improve my Navy career since,...