Get Better, Motivation, Personal Mastery, Professional Development
The other day, I saw a LinkedIn connection mention that she had been “coined.” Now if you’re not familiar with this practice, it began probably in the early 2000s with the military. I had already retired by then, but my wife began bringing home command coins, small...
Gaining an Edge, Get Better, Growth, Motivation, Personal Mastery, Professional Development
“Don’t reinvent the wheel” was one of the first buzzwords I ever heard. It made a lot of sense for me. When I started this blog series, I knew this one would be covered. However, as I thought about it, my perspective changed. I originally thought ALL things should...
Get Better, Motivation, Personal Mastery, Professional Development, Uncategorized
Back in 1990, I assisted in a post-mortem dental exam while working at Naval Hospital Long Beach. I’ll spare you the details, but I had never seen anything like it. When I asked the pathologist who was helping us what the worst thing he’d ever seen, he quickly...
Get Better, Motivation, Personal Mastery, Professional Development
One of the great natural wonders of North America is the Giant Sequoia tree. These are the earth’s largest trees, growing over 300 feet tall and up to 30 feet in diameter. The bark of sequoia’s can be up to three feet thick which protects it from insects and birds. ...
Growth, Personal Mastery, Professional Development
We’re in the middle of a series on corporate buzzwords. While this one isn’t necessarily a “corporate buzzword,” it’s certainly a phrase we hear frequently these days. I look at it as words of surrender. For example: Jack Dawson gripping the door in the freezing...
Gaining an Edge, Get Better, Personal Mastery, Professional Development
When I joined the Navy in 1983, I didn’t realize I’d also be learning a new language. First, I thought I knew a lot of profanity. My knowledge paled in comparison to the salty old chiefs who served as our company commanders in boot camp. I heard every word in the...