Gaining an Edge, Get Better, Growth, Motivation, Personal Mastery, Professional Development
“Work it out with a pencil” – Mr. Newman – 1977 Math has always been my nemesis. The last time I had a grade higher than a “D” was in second grade. College algebra was the final class that stood between me and my bachelor’s degree. I took the class four times...
Gaining an Edge, Get Better, Growth, Motivation, Personal Mastery, Professional Development
Years ago, I worked for a boss who shared the story of his obnoxious young nephew. Whenever he’d have to watch him, he got him to go to sleep at his regular bedtime by giving him a stern warning: “If you don’t quit goofing off and refuse to go to sleep, I’m going to...
Gaining an Edge, Get Better, Growth, Motivation, Personal Mastery, Professional Development
On the morning of December 5, 1983, I woke up in fear. It was 5 AM and I had to drive to the Navy recruiter’s office in Santa Ana, California for the final trip to the MEPS in Los Angeles, then a 90 mile drive south to San Diego and the Recruit Training...
Gaining an Edge, Get Better, Growth, Motivation, Personal Mastery, Professional Development
As of this writing, COVID-19 and its variants is still plaguing the planet. I’m sure it will be remembered years from now by not only its physical carnage, but also for the divisiveness generated by political leanings and a wide array of contradictory pieces of...
Gaining an Edge, Get Better, Growth, Motivation, Personal Mastery, Professional Development
One of my favorite memories as a kid was going to the drive-in with my parents and my younger brother Marshall. My dad would grill up a bunch of hamburgers and we would bring blankets and pillows and pile into our old Oldsmobile. Usually, the first movie was more...
Gaining an Edge, Get Better, Growth, Motivation, Personal Mastery, Professional Development
Summer, 2021 will be remembered mostly for COVID’s Delta Variant, the hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan, and a never-ending array of natural disasters. It was also the beginning of a new space race: that between billionaires attempting to be the first to fly to...