Get Better, Professional Development
In 2014, when I turned 50, I was given a superpower. I didn’t realize what it was at the time, but soon it became very clear. Suddenly, it seemed, I became invisible. Truly. Where before when I would walk through crowds, people would make eye contact. When I...
Get Better, Growth, Personal Mastery
When I got the call in 1994, long distance from my mom while stationed on the island of Guam, I was crushed. Just a week before, my grandma had called me out of the blue for no reason. Just to say hello. And now my mom told me she was gone. Jean Stanczyk, who I...
Get Better, Professional Development
In February 1992, I was “voluntold” to do a presentation at a local elementary school for Children’s Dental Health Month. At the time, I was on active duty, stationed at Naval Hospital Long Beach. I was on the comeback trail, trying to improve my Navy career since,...
Get Better, Professional Development
I don’t know why I thought it was a good idea to make fun of Shawn Davolt. It was the summer of 1976, between sixth and seventh grade and my best friend at the time, Brian Griset decided to antagonize a big eight grader, Shawn Davolt. Davolt was big, quiet, and a...
Get Better, Personal Mastery, Professional Development
Don’t you hate it when one of your favorite songs on your Spotify playlist is magically replaced by a live version of it? I like live albums. There also some songs that only work in their live version. Think Peter Frampton’s Do You Feel Like We Do. What doesn’t work...