Be the Boss, Book Reviews, Boss On, Boss Up, Communication, Personal Mastery, Problem-Solving, Professional Development
Asking what somebody wants is a good first step. Boss: What do you want? Employee: A pay raise Boss: Oh, well we can’t give you one. Employee storms off. Maybe we might need a second step Boss: Can you help me understand what a pay raise would do for you?...
Be the Boss, Book Reviews, Boss On, Boss Up, Gaining an Edge, Get Better, Go Full Speed, Goal Setting, Growth, Management Development, Professional Development
Which Boss would you rather have: #1: The screamer who gets in everybody’s business and can be a tyrant? Or #2: The wimp who hides while chaos and conflict run rampant? In my experience, Boss #2 is the worst. Why? Boss #1 already has the drive, they just lack the...
Book Reviews, Get Better, Growth, Marketing, Personal Mastery, Problem-Solving, Professional Development
A while back I was wandering around a Barnes & Noble bookstore perusing the business titles when I noticed a trend. Instead of books titled around understandable topics like management, leadership, marketing, and strategy, there were hosts of books with oddball...