3-Bullet Thursday: April 21, 2021

Here are your 3 “bullets” for the week: The 33 Most Innovative HR Leaders Who Steered Employees Through a Global Pandemic – Business Insider How to Rethink “Home” and “Travel” if Your Job is Now Remote – NerdWallet...

3-Bullet Thursday: April 15, 2021

Here are your 3 “bullets” for the week: Want to Be More Successful?  Do The Things No One Else Will – Inc. How to Turn Rejection into Resiliency – Entrepreneur 5 Steps to Take Control of Your Personal Brand –...

3-Bullet Thursday: April 8, 2021

Here are your 3 “bullets” for the week: 9 Ways to Screw Up a Job Search When You’re 50 or Older – MoneyTalksNews 10 Signs You’re Suffering Job Burnout and 5 Ways to Cope – MoneyTalksNews Is Graduate School Worth the Cost? – US...

3-Bullet Thursday: April 1, 2021

Here are your 3 “bullets” for the week: Preventing Present-Day Stress Disorders:  How Can Leaders Help? – Newsweek It’s Not Just You: Meetings Really Have Spiraled Out of Control This Pandemic – Business Insider The Pandemic Forced a...

3-Bullet Thursday: March 25, 2021

Here are your 3 “bullets” for the week: Why having a Devil’s Advocate on Your Team is Good for Business – AB 15 Ways to Maximize Your Productivity and Earnings – MoneyTalkNews How this Year of Working on Zoom Has Affected Your Brain...

3-Bullet Thursday: March 18, 2021

Here are your 3 “bullets” for the week: 11 Skills Employers Look for That Most People Never Think About – MoneyTalksNews If You Want to Be Successful, You Must Understand These 3 Mindsets – Inc. 6 Ways to Show Your Employees You Care, Even When...