There was a time, many years ago, when people would come to WORK and go HOME.  Once HOME, they would relax, spend time with friends and family, and not think a whole lot about WORK.

But, when they came to WORK, they brought HOME to work with them.  Issues with friends and family.  Bad attitudes because of what did or did not happen at HOME.  They brought it to WORK.  And it impacted the quality of their work.

Today, that has not changed. People still bring their HOME to WORK with them.  It doesn’t belong there.

HOWEVER, today people do bring their WORK home with them.  It’s expected even though not always spelled out that way.  They bring WORK with them on vacation too.  It’s packed in their suitcases and on their mobile devices.

Because of this, people are crying out for WORK/LIFE balance.  But that’s not going to help.  As The Boss, you have to separate work FROM life, and vice versa.  There is no balance.

What does this mean?

  1. Keep HOME away from WORK. I know that sounds impossible and it is. BUT, when people bring their HOME to WORK, address it if it causes performance issues.  If it’s an issue that should be dealt with using Employee Assistance Plans (if you have one), get them the resource.  If it’s a behavior issue, be empathetic, but firm. I heard “those kids didn’t come issued to you in your seabag – don’t make them my problem” when I was in the Navy.  That’s the wrong way to address it but be clear that getting the job done is Job #1.
  2. Keep WORK away from HOME. Leave your people alone when they leave. Unless they’re being paid to work after hours or it’s mutually agreed upon, don’t expect them to check email. It’s also little things, like sending them an email on Friday evening wanting something from them first thing Monday morning.  Yeah you didn’t tell them to work on the weekend or check email, but that simple act of emailing says that very thing.

So this week, get better about separating WORK from LIFE.  Balance is not a good option.