It’s 2:10 pm and I’m out for a walk in the woods.  I haven’t had lunch yet.  In fact, I haven’t eaten since yesterday.

Then, just when I thought I would go hungry again, I spy a bush with some delicious-looking berries hanging off the branches.  They are red, soft, and fragrant.  As I pull some off to try them, an old man shoves me hard, causing me to drop that handful of berries.

“Dude!” I shout.  “What’s wrong with you?”

Then I look at his face.  It’s pitted and scarred.  His skin is pale.  He looks really sick.

“Don’t eat those berries,” he says in a gravelly voice.  “Their poisonous.  Look what they did to me.”

I thank him and promise to get the word out.  Soon I’m telling my whole neighborhood about the poisonous bush, the weird old man that shoved me, and how nobody should eat those berries.

I told a story.

Actually that’s not a true story, but I’m sure there were many like it back in prehistoric times.  Stories were the best form of communication.  They stood and stand the test of time.

I’ve always been a storyteller.  It’s one of the signature parts of my workshops, conference talks, and keynotes.  I use words and art.  I like to think it makes my stuff unique.

It shouldn’t be that way.  All of us should use stories.


  • Stories teach us. We tie unfamiliar things to the familiar.  It’s the best way to learn.
  • Stories connect us.  We bond emotionally when we get drawn into someone’s story.
  • Stories inspire us.  We hear others doing the things we aspire to do.  And it motivates us.

This year my workshop breakout topic will be How to Improve HR’s Reputation Through Storytelling.  If a story is ruining your reputation, only a counter-story will repair it.  The only way to beat a story is with another story.  I’ll show you how to tell a great one.

In fact, if you’re reading this and are NOT and HR professional, think about how stories could help you?  Your marketing.  Your promotions.  Your customer service success stories.

Only a story can counter a story.  And nothing beats a good story.

If you really want to explore stories, I have two options.

  • My new podcast Story Time with Mack.  Click HERE to check it out.
  • My INNER CIRCLE group where I do a new story every Tuesday.  Click HERE to join.  No cost.

Have a great day and keep an eye out for the amazing stories you will find today!