Some of us are list-makers. I’m not one of those people but I do recognize the value of lists.  If you’re The Boss, a list should be one of your constant companions.  Over the next 10 weeks I’m going to offer you a list of tasks that should be on your Daily Checklist.

Item #1:  Build Rapport

Rapport is a word of French origin and is defined as a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other’s feelings or ideas and communicate well.

Too touchy-feely for you?

How about this:  Rapport is getting to know the people around you as human beings so you can better treat them like human beings.

As The Boss, nothing gets done until you build rapport with your team.

Years ago, my wife took over as The Boss of a department with 120 direct reports.  She was a Naval office.  100 of her direct reports were civilians.  Ordinarily this is a recipe for disaster, and with her normally in-your-face style of management, I just knew there would be problems.

She succeeded.  Mainly because she treated those people like humans.  She took an interest in what was important to them and built rapport. Yes, she often had to get after them and even fired a few but when she transferred, most of her team realized how much they would miss her.  If you build rapport, you build respect.

This week, what will you do to build rapport with your team? Here are a few suggestions:

Be observant.  Listen to what they talk about.  Learn about their interests.  Show an interest in what interests them.

Take an interest in their career development.  Find out their goals and aspirations.  Frame tasks you give them as building blocks for their development.

Share something personal about yourself.  Show your human-ness.  Don’t overshare or talk about inappropriate things but make sure they know you’re a person too.

Be consistent.  Make this the first thing you do each day. Greet your team and make sure they know you care.

Nothing works without rapport.  Make this the first item on your daily checklist.  You’ll be glad you did.