Blog printed on an old typewriter

Remember:  A blogger blogs!

I get inquiries all the time about blogging:  how to do it, how often to do it, and what to write about.  All are good questions but the answer varies by mission.

Here’s a simple answer:

  • Blog about how you and your solution helps people solve problems.
  • Blog as often as it takes to get your message out without crossing the line of being a pain in the ass.
  • Blog with a theme that enables you to write in a pattern that best gets your message out.

Blogging is one of my best business drivers.  It’s how I reach my potential audience.  I try to inform and build rapport.  It’s what you should be doing.

I recommend using the same methodology some preachers use.  They might have a 6-part series on relationships, or a 4 – part series on faith.  There is a theme and each week supports the theme.  This works really well in blogging.  The good news is that each year has some fairly predictable theme backdrops.  I’ve created a really handy calendar guide that gives a theme for each month that you can use as your guideline.  It doesn’t matter whether you sell coaching, training, strategy, career guidance, etc.  You can use these themes to get your thoughts (and blog) in order.

Remember, a blogger blogs.  If I go to your site and don’t see an updated post newer than a week, I know you’re a wannabe.

Blogging takes commitment.  If you’re up to it, my calendar tool will help.  Download it at