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News and articles to support your journey to becoming a better boss

If the Hat Fits…

I’m writing this on an early Sunday morning on a plane heading over to Albuquerque, NM.   I’ll be speaking at the state HR conference there this week. You might be familiar with Albuquerque from the AMC series Breaking Bad.  I know I am. If you’ve taken any of my...

Work Life Separation

For the past 20 years or so, I’ve defined WHO I am by WHAT I do.  Helping companies build better bosses, teaching workshops, and speaking at conferences.  For a time, it was enough. I think it took COVID to shake the routine for all of us, but for me it was...

The First Bank of Trust

I like to think of trust as a big bank account.  All of us have one.  As we function in our careers and relationships, we often find ourselves borrowing against someone else’s trust account.  They do the same to us.  How long a person stays a borrower or decides to...

What Does Your Culture Say About You?

It’s common these days to hear people talking about an organization’s culture.  If you’re looking for work and salaries are all about the same, you might look for a culture that fits you. But what is a culture? Culture represents “how we do things around here.” That’s...

Use Your Words

I have three cats and two dogs.  Rusty and Shiloh are goldendoodles.  They are typical of their breed: non-shedding, smart, and compassionate.  If Rusty could talk, his voice would be that of Matthew Broderick.  Shiloh would sound like Donkey (Eddie Murphy) from...

The Best Way to Communicate a Lesson

Years ago, a friend of mine told me about a consultant he hired to help with a project.  The consultant was a bit direct and somewhat aggressive.  It put my friend off.  Then, the consultant uttered the magic words: “You can believe me now, or you can believe me...

The Moment of Clarity

It took 30+ years for my wife to figure out why I didn’t enjoy my time in the Navy.  It took me just as long. After nearly not graduating high school in 1982, I did a six month program to learn how to be a dental laboratory technician.  That field attracted me because...

Behind Closed Doors

Oh no one knows what goes on behind closed doors. – Behind Closed Doors.  Charlie Rich I have some broad theories about things. Here’s one: I think the quest for power is the root of all evil. From nations that invade each other to political parties that despise each...

The Dreaded “Family Meeting”

Growing up, one of the most distressing announcements I would hear would be from my dad. “Tonight, we are having a family meeting.” My brother and I knew what this meant.  No doubt there was some new rules we’d have to follow because of one of us screwing up.  The...

The Things We Leave Behind

“They carried all the emotional baggage of men who might die. Grief, terror, love, longing--these were intangibles, but the intangibles had their own mass and specific gravity, they had tangible weight. They carried shameful memories. They carried the common secret of...